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Why Rick Steves?

There are many different tour companies out there, plus thousands of guidebooks, websites, and blog posts at the disposal of anyone who wants to plan a trip on their own. So, why take a Rick Steves tour? This is the fourth RS tour my mom and I have taken together, so obviously we are fans. What struck me most about this trip was that we both got so much out of this tour - even though I had visited France six or seven times before, and my mom had never been. So here are some of the many reasons to take a RS tour, whether you're new to a destination or have traveled there many times before. 

For the Newbie:

Figure Out What's Essential: It can be super overwhelming to figure out what sites to see, especially in a place like Paris where there are just so many things to see and do. A RS tour will help you figure out what places are the best of the best.

Connect Quicker: Your tour guide and local guides are there to help you connect quicker, providing language tips, information about local quirks and customs, and a local's perspective. Perhaps you'll never quite nail that French accent, but you will feel much more like an insider.

Be Efficient: What time should you get to Versailles to avoid the crowds? What's the most direct métro line to take? What's the best restaurant in Amboise? Your guide can help you figure out all these things and more, which helps make sure you get the most out of your time and money.

For the Connoisseur:

Lose the Pressure: I love planning trips - but, man, it can be stressful. These days, I prefer to travel in a variety of ways - sometimes on an RS tour, sometimes solo. When it comes time to take a tour, it's SO nice to relax and let someone else figure it all out. 

Discover Hidden Gems: Even if you've been to a spot many times, there's always more to discover. In Paris, for example, Virginie led us to Place Dauphine, a spot I must have walked by before but had never properly appreciated. Now it's one of my new favorite spots in Paris!

Find a Good Balance: The nice thing about RS tours is that they strike a good mix - you'll have time together with your group, but plenty of free time too. I loved the ease of being with our group while also having enough free time that mom and I could explore additional things on our own.

For Everyone:

Great Guides: My mom and I have taken four RS tours, and each time our guide was a home run. Virginie was fantastic! I especially enjoyed all the information and stories she gave us on the bus - she was always super interesting and helpful.

Great Groups: RS tours work so well because they draw great people - can you imagine traveling around for weeks with people you don't really care for? I always find fellow tour members to be friendly, respectful, and easy to talk to. It's always a pleasure to travel with good folks.

Great Bus: On our journey through the heart of France, we spent a fair amount of time on our tour bus, which, as it turns out, is a really comfy way to travel. Our bus was spacious, and our drivers (Annie & Matt) were friendly, funny, and always kept us well stocked with beverages. 

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