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Top Ten Travel Tips

Though I'm not a travel expert, I like to think I've learned more than a few things throughout the years. Here are a few of my best tips - applicable to France . . . and beyond! 

I remember the days when I used to navigate with paper maps...and, boy, am I glad those days are over. Now, one of my favorite travel tools is Google Maps: before I head out, I "favorite" any places I want to visit (this marks them with a helpful yellow star). I also use the app's save functionality to store maps offline, allowing me to access maps while out and about without wifi. So easy!  

Google Maps Is Your Friend


As a foodie, eating good meals while traveling is a high priority. Two rules of thumb? Choose places off the beaten path (That alley? Go down it) and with small menus (the food is more likely to be fresh and locally sourced). For example, one of my favorite restaurants in Paris (La Bourse et La Vie) is down a relatively quiet street, has a non-descript storefront, offers just three choices for entrées - and is pretty much perfect.

There Are Two Tricks To Eating Well


If you've browsed this website for any amount of time, no doubt it's abundantly clear that I take and share a lot of photos. But I use Instagram for much more than just admiring pretty photos. By following travel bloggers and perusing hashtags and geotags, I've found a lot of great travel recommendations. For example, in Paris, the lovely antique market Le Village Saint Paul and the delicious restaurant Ober Mamma were both places I spotted first on Instagram.

Instagram Is More Than Pretty Pictures


Of course I'm not advocating 

literally cutting in line, but nothing is more depressing than spending your vacation waiting in line, particularly in a city as filled with visitors as Paris. Make sure to book ahead when you can! Also note that the Paris Museum Pass gives you access to a special, usually far shorter line - just one more reason to get one!

Skip That Line


I hate arriving in a new place only to realize I've forgotten an adapter and need to hunt one down to charge my phone. Nowadays, on any packing list, I make sure to include my tech gear: adapters, phone & charger, Kindle & charger, etc. I also bring a portable charger (I use this one) to re-charge while out sightseeing. And, since this is a lot of gear and hotel rooms often have only one outlet, I pack a multi-port adapter so I can re-charge everything at once (I use this one).   

Get Your Tech Organized


I love my "big camera" but, in truth, I haven't brought it on an overseas trip in years. A DSLR takes great photographs, but it can also be a pain to lug around. The photo quality on iPhones is great nowadays, and I find that's all I need. Every photo on this website (save the three group photos which were generously shared with me by fellow tour members) was taken on my trusty iPhone 6s. 

Ditch that DSLR


You go on vacation with a loved one to spend time together, but give yourself permission to split up now and then as your interests dictate. For example, after exploring Giverny together for a while, my mom and I split up - she went to the gift shop; I continued my quest to photograph every flower. We were both in our happy places. Win/win! 

Split Up When It Makes Sense


Look in the dictionary under "Not A Morning Person (No Seriously)" and you will find my picture. I hate getting up early - but I acknowledge that, sometimes when traveling, you just have to do it. For example, seeing the sun rise over your balcony on Mont Saint-Michel or attending Sunday morning church services at Notre-Dame? Both very worth a little less sleep.

Sometimes, You Gotta Get Up Early


I am notoriously bad at weather. I forget umbrellas when it's rainy, I leave my boots at home when I'm going to a snowy locale, and I get sunburned all the time despite knowing full well I'm the world's palest person. So, please, do as I say and not as I do: check the weather when packing for your trip, and download a good weather app on your phone to track it in real time.

Please Be Better at Weather Than I Am


Everything in moderation, they say, and I know that's true...except maybe when you're on vacation in France, land of the best pastries EVER. I say, feel free to splurge, and comfort yourself with the fact that Paris is a great walking city - so surely you're working most of the calories off, right? Right?!  

Walk A Lot, Eat A Lot of Pastries


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